Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween - Is that a pumpkin on your head

On Thursday night i went to a "halloween drinks" in Australia House with Sue, Ash and some of Sue's work colleagues. It was a pretty tame night really but riding home on the train was a bit of a laugh. Fran and Amanda were mucking around - not sure what the rest of the passengers thought - and here is the result. Is that a pumpkin handbag on your head.

For the record I couldn't get it on mine.

1 comment:

  1. haha - halloween 3 years ago - we just arrived in vancouver and boy do those canucks love halloween! we had the biggest night ever and cemented friendships with some locals whom we're still best mates with!

    melbourne cup day here today *groan* thank god we get a public holiday so we can avoid all things horsey!
